3 Day 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings Apprenticeship Training
Join this Live and in person Apprenticeship Training. 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings Apprenticeship Training is a pre-requisite for 7 Day Generational Healing @ Certification Training.
To guarantee your spot, sign up here- 13wisdomteachings.com/portland

7 Day Generational Healing® Certification Training
What you will learn & experience in your 7-Day Training:
~ How to facilitate a Generational Healing® session
~ Learn how to work directly with the Ancestors to help in the releasing of stored densities in the bloodline.
~ How to support the ancestors to promote healing on Earth
~ What it means to be a Generational Healer® & Spiritual Guide in the context of this body of work
~ What you can do daily to deepen your connection to your own ancestors
~ You will both receive and facilitate Generational Healing® sessions giving you the opportunity to experience the work personally and practically.
Prerequisite for the Generational Healing® Certification Training: The 13 Mystical Wisdom Teachings Online Apprenticeship